A Gathered Distance by Mark Tredinnick


ISBN: 9780995371842
Format: Paperback
Title: A Gathered Distance
Author: Tredinnick, Mark

A new collection by Australian poet Mark Tredinnick, OAM (Birdfish Books, 2020).
The poems weave a journey through grief and loss into healing and transformation, speaking to themes of family and parenthood in a landscape of ecological awareness and tenderness.

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A Gathered Distance is a sustained and elegant lyric offering, weaving themes of loss and grief with transformation and beauty, which Chris Wallace-Crabbe describes as “a most subtle orchestration of loss”. The collection speaks to our shared experiences of connection and separation; the complex dynamics of family and parenthood. In a time of ecological crisis, Mark’s work affirms the value of “lyric resistance”, poetry’s mysterious way of making sense of things:

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“When profound human emotion can recruit the lyric, the personal can become the human, the particular the archetypal. And a collapse of self can become a gathering of distances, a habitat of healing.” – Mark

From the title poem:

                                                      “…Be a garden in a city,

    And be all the love you’ve lost. From all the unpropitious

Pieces tending toward a self, cultivate a solitude, harvest half

A life and make it whole. Gather all your distances, and

                                                father all your orphan fears; hold them

    Near, as a father might…”